Oscilla Power was selected, and has now been contracted, for a Phase IIB DOE SBIR for $1.15 million to further develop and deploy our MicroTriton system.
The MicroTriton system is an integrated platform that can provide 80-100W of constant power in a typical East Coast wave climate, enabling distributed networks of sensors and instrumentation packages. Over the previous 2 years we have developed the first version of the MicroTriton system for the North Carolina coast. With this new funding, we will develop an updated version of this system that will further improve the efficiency. Oscilla Power will work with a major defense contractor to customize the platform for a port security application.
Balky Nair, CEO of Oscilla Power said, “Ocean wave energy can unlock opportunities for persistent ocean monitoring for a whole host of applications including defense, homeland security and oceanography. Having a 24/7/365 source of power can increase the quality and quantity of data generated by offshore monitoring buoys, as well as enhance communication capabilities.”
